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Missed registration or want to add a 2nd class?

Please check the Open Course List located under the Quarterly Schedule section to see what courses still have openings. Contact the instructor directly to be added before day 1. If a course is not listed there is no space available but you are welcome to arrive to day 1 to see if any spots opened.

Q3 Open Course List w/ instructor contact (2-10-25)

Dropping a Course

To drop a course or be removed from the waitlist during the online open registration period, follow the steps below:

  • Access the Physical Education & Wellness Registration System online through our website. You must have a valid certificate in order to access the system.
  • View current status (registered or waitlisted). Click the cancel button to confirm.
  • A confirmation will appear on the screen once the student is successfully removed from the course or waitlist. This confirmation message can be printed through a browser but students will also receive a confirmation via e-mail.
  • Not applicable for Extreme PE courses (see below).


To drop a course once online registration has closed and classes have started, chose one of the options below: 

PLEASE NOTE: Students that drop a course will continue to have Canvas access and receive course announcements. Students can disregard these emails or update the Canvas notifications for the specific course. Click here for directions to update your Canvas notifications.

  1. By not showing up on day one, the instructor will automatically drop students from the course and allow those on the waitlist to take any openings.
  2. Students can also contact the instructor via Canvas to let them know they will not be participating in the course.
  3. Students who attend more then 1 class and decide to drop will be given and N (not pass) and will be responsible for the course fee.
  4. PE&W grading is not visible on a student’s academic transcript; they are only visible in Student History.
  5. Not applicable for Extreme PE courses (see below).


Dropping an Extreme PE course (Kayak, Ski/Snowboarding, Backpacking & Hiking, Indoor and/or Outdoor Climbing, SCUBA and Parkour)

Extreme PE classes enlist the assistance from an outside vendor and requires students to reconfirm their registration and spot in class. Once the student reconfirms their registration, they are responsible for the associated fee. No refund are given once the student completes their paperwork to confirm their registration. Contact if you have any questions.

MIT Physical Education & Wellness is committed to providing an environment that is accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you cannot access content or use features on our website due to a disability, please let us know.