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Missed registration or want to add a 2nd class?

Please check the Open Course List located under the Quarterly Schedule section to see what courses still have openings. Contact the instructor directly to be added before day 1. If a course is not listed there is no space available but you are welcome to arrive to day 1 to see if any spots opened.

Q3 Open Course List w/ instructor contact (2-10-25)

Todd Linder


Todd Linder joined MIT in 2007. He has taught archery, skating, weight training, swimming, running & jogging, and is a coach with the Track & Field team. Linder has a lot of experience in education, completing his MS at NC A&T University in Technology Education and working as a public school teacher for 13 years. Linder likes to stay active riding his bike year round and his favorite sporting event to watch is road cycling and the Tour De France.

Fun Facts

Favorite thing about teaching at MIT

The student body we teach and excellent facilities we have access to.

Unique fact

I have over 35 skydives with over 30 minutes of free fall

Favorite extracurricular


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